Blackjack Switch

Switch It Up With This Fun Side Bet!

Blackjack Switch™ is an exciting way to play blackjack that allows players to "switch" the order of their cards to make their best blackjack hand.

To begin, players must place equal bets on both betting positions. The dealer then deals players two separate blackjack hands. Once the players review both hands, they have the choice of keeping their hands as they were dealt or "switching" the second card from each hand. Switching may only take place after the dealer has checked for a natural blackjack. The dealer then follows house rules for blackjack.

Blackjack pays even money. If the dealer makes a hard total of 22, all remaining bets push. Blackjack Switch also features an optional side bet called Buster Blackjack. SuperMatch and Plus 22 win if players have a pair or higher. The Buster Blackjack bet wins if the dealer busts, and the more cards the dealer has when busting, the more players win.

Note: Doubling and splitting are allowed, even after "switching."
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Blackjack Switch
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